About Amiga 100: also known as A1000 and originaly marketed as Amiga, is the first personal computer released by Commodore International.
The Amiga 1000 was first relesed in July 23 1985. And his specifications, combines the 16/32bit Motorola 68000 (CPU) it had 7.14MHz NTSC or 7.09MHz PAL. NTSC is short word of National Television System Committe, is the analog television color system that was introduced in North America 1954. Amiga 1000 used operating system: Amiga OS 1.0 it looked similar to Windows XP. Amiga 100 had Memory: ROM 256kb and 256kb ram memory, he could use a maximum of 8.5 mb of memory. It had graphics card: Original Chip Set (OCS) 640x512i 6-bpp, he had sound card paula 4bit up to 8bit channel at maximum (28kHz in stereo). Amiga 1000 dimensions were Width: 451 mm, height: 108 mm, depth: 330 mm, and mass 5.9kg. AmigaOS that he used was rather buggy at the time of A1000 relese, intresting thing is that operating system was not placed in ROM then. Instead Amiga1000 includes daughterboard whith 256kb of ram, dubbed the writable control storage, into which the core of the operating system is loaded from floppy disk.
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